Nowadays, connecting with a global audience online is crucial for any business. Creating a website that comes with a multiple language option is a key tactic in this effort.

WordPress multilingual translation plugins are key for reaching new visitors, that may transform into customers, allowing you to translate your website into numerous languages. These tools offer everything from detailed control for hands-on managers to automated translations for efficiency, improving your site’s accessibility and SEO local score. Options range from WPML for comprehensive management, to Weglot for automated ease, and TranslatePress for on-page editing. They support various themes, ensure SEO-friendly URLs, and allow in-dashboard management, catering to all website sizes. Some plugins use built-in AI content writer tools for quick translations, though manual checks are recommended for accuracy.

In this article, we’re diving into the top WordPress translation plugins, taking a close look at what each offers in terms of features, pricing, and drawbacks. This way, you can easily decide on the plugin that aligns perfectly with your needs.

Table of Contents

  1. Choosing a WordPress Translation Plugin for Multilingual Websites
  2. Best WordPress Multilingual Plugins
    2.1. TranslatePress
    2.2. WPML
    2.3. Weglot
    2.4. Loco Translate
    2.5. Polylang
    2.6. GTranslate
    2.7. Google Website Translator
    2.8. Multisite Language Switcher
  3. Benefits of Using Multilingual Translation Plugins
  4. Summary
  5. FAQs

Choosing a WordPress Translation Plugin for Multilingual Websites

Selecting the right WordPress translation plugin for your multilingual website is a decision that demands careful consideration of various factors to ensure the best fit for your needs. Various plugins offer a range of features from simple automatic translations to comprehensive multilingual management systems, making it important to evaluate what each offers in terms of functionality, ease of use, compatibility, and pricing.

Plugins like TranslatePress and Weglot provide user-friendly interfaces that allow for straightforward translation processes directly from your WordPress site. They support a vast array of languages and integrate well with various themes and plugins, including WooCommerce, making them suitable for e-commerce sites​​​​.

Weglot, for instance, stands out for its cloud-based approach and ease of managing translations and content through its dashboard, although its monthly pricing based on the number of languages and translated words may be a consideration for some users​​.

WPML offers a robust solution with a comprehensive translation management system that caters to sites requiring detailed translation work, including e-commerce support and custom fields. It’s compatible with a wide range of themes and plugins and provides options to connect with professional translation services for high-quality results​​​​.

In making your choice, consider the specific needs of your website, whether it’s the quality of translation, ease of management, compatibility with existing themes and plugins, or the budget. Each plugin has its strengths, and your decision should align with your website’s goals and the experience you wish to offer your international visitors.

Best WordPress Multilingual Plugins

1. TranslatePress

TranslatePress WordPress Translation plugin

TranslatePress stands out as a versatile WordPress plugin that caters to both beginners and pros in website translation. Offering both free and premium versions, it encompasses a wide range of features, including the ability to translate posts, pages, media, and even intricate elements within WordPress themes and plugins. What sets it apart is the frontend translation capability, enabling real-time editing and previewing across multiple languages, enhancing accuracy and ease of use.

The plugin’s flexibility is notable, supporting manual entry for nuanced translation and automatic options via renowned services like Google Translate, for broader, quick translation needs. This ensures that users can tailor the site’s language offerings to their audience’s preferences without the hassle of external translation services.

TranslatePress is especially acclaimed for its seamless integration with WooCommerce and compatibility with a plethora of WordPress themes and plugins, making it a go-to solution for e-commerce sites. Its intuitive interface, coupled with features like image translation, customizable language switchers, and dynamic string support, empowers website owners to deliver a localized experience efficiently.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from €89/year.


WPML WordPress Translation plugin

WPML, also known as WordPress Multilingual, emerges as a premium choice among translation plugins, tailored for WordPress sites aiming for a global reach. Distinctly setting itself apart with its comprehensive coverage, WPML ensures users wield full control over their site’s translations, rather than depending on automatic, machine-driven solutions. This plugin shines in its capacity to transform every aspect of a website into multilingual content, from pages and posts to widgets and beyond, fully embracing the Gutenberg editor for seamless integration.

At its core, WPML is celebrated for its translation management prowess, providing a centralized system where translations are not just managed but also assigned and tracked with precision. This level of detail extends to SEO, as WPML allows for the customization of URLs and the setting of SEO meta information for each language variant, enhancing search engines’ comprehension of the site’s structure.

WPML is recommended for its reliability, security, and SEO optimization capabilities, making it a go-to for businesses, large-scale operations, and professional translators looking for a robust framework to support their multilingual website ambitions.

Pricing: premium plan from $39/year.

3. Weglot

WeGlot WordPress Translation plugin

Weglot stands out in the world of WordPress translation plugins by offering a seamless, cloud-based service that effortlessly brings multilingual capabilities to your website. Upon integration with your site, Weglot’s smart API swiftly scans and identifies all text content, offering an immediate translation into over 60 languages. This automated first pass simplifies the translation process, with an additional layer of precision achievable through manual edits via a user-friendly contextual editor.

A distinctive feature of Weglot is its commitment to efficiency and quality. It not only allows for marking phrases as reviewed to prevent redundant translations but also provides options for professional translation services, ensuring high-quality outputs. The plugin’s adherence to Google’s SEO best practices, including automatic allocation of unique URLs for translated pages, enhances your site’s visibility and user experience across different languages.

Weglot offers an intuitive dashboard for managing translations and customizing the appearance of language switch buttons on your site, ensuring a consistent experience for users navigating through translated content. Despite its powerful features, Weglot remains accessible, with a free tier for smaller websites and scalable premium options tailored to the site’s size and linguistic diversity needs.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from $17/year.

4. Loco Translate

Loco Translate WordPress Translation plugin

Loco Translate is widely recognized as the go-to plugin for WordPress developers and site owners who need a straightforward, yet powerful tool for translating their themes and plugins. Its main appeal lies in its simplicity and efficiency, offering a built-in editor within the WordPress admin for direct translation work. This plugin simplifies the translation process by allowing users to directly edit and update language files from within the WordPress dashboard, eliminating the need for external software or services.

A standout feature of Loco Translate is its ability to integrate with several automatic translation APIs, such as DeepL and Google, providing an initial layer of translation that can be fine-tuned manually. This ensures that translations are not only quick but also accurate and contextually relevant. The plugin supports a broad spectrum of languages, catering to a global audience, and is designed to work seamlessly across various WordPress setups, ensuring compatibility and flexibility.

Despite its many benefits, Loco Translate requires a hands-on approach for translations, emphasizing manual review and edits to ensure the highest quality. This may involve additional effort but allows for precise control over the final output, making it ideal for developers who prioritize accuracy and nuance in their translations. Loco Translate operates on a freemium model, offering core functionalities for free with the option to upgrade for access to advanced features, including unlimited translations and revision history.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from $5.95/mo.

5. Polylang

Polylang WordPress Translation plugin

Polylang is as a cost-effective solution for crafting a multilingual WordPress site, striking a balance between affordability and functionality. This plugin empowers you to enrich your website with multiple languages, extending your content’s reach to a global audience. The seamless integration of WordPress language packs – which are automatically downloaded and updated – ensures that your site stays linguistically up-to-date.

What sets Polylang apart is its capacity to handle an unlimited number of languages, allowing site owners to tailor their website’s linguistic diversity to their audience’s needs. From posts and pages to categories and tags, Polylang covers all bases, including custom post types and taxonomies, ensuring comprehensive translation coverage.

A notable feature of Polylang is its language switcher, which can be incorporated as a widget or a menu item, making it effortless for users to switch between languages. This user-centric approach is complemented by compatibility with leading SEO plugins, such as Yoast SEO, enabling Polylang to support multilingual SEO practices like hreflang tags and the Open Graph protocol. These features ensure that search engines accurately index and serve your content in the appropriate language to users worldwide.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from €99/year.

6. GTranslate

GTranslate WordPress Translation plugin

GTranslate uses Google’s translation service to make WordPress sites accessible in 103 languages, covering over 99% of internet users. It combines automatic translations with manual tweaks, optimizing for global traffic and sales. Its standout feature is cloud-based operation, ensuring speed and SEO-friendly translations with unique URLs for each language version, crucial for expanding internationally without losing site performance. Setup is easy, with customizable settings and widget designs, like dropdowns and flags, for a user-friendly language-switching experience.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from $9.99/mo.

7. Google Website Translator

Google Website Translator WordPress Translation plugin

Google Website Translator streamlines making your website multilingual, leveraging Google Translate to offer your content in over 100 languages swiftly. Its simple setup ensures your website remains quick and responsive, avoiding any slowdowns in loading times. Designed to translate every part of your site, from posts and menus to widget titles, it caters to a global audience without a hitch.

What’s great about this plugin is its flexibility in integration. Whether through a widget, shortcode, or PHP code, adding a language selector to your site is straightforward. You can even customize which parts of your site to translate or not, using jQuery for finer control. Its pro version enhances its utility with search engine indexing and adaptive language switcher designs for different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless experience.

Pricing: free plan and paid plan from $50/one time fee.

8. Multisite Language Switcher

Multisite Language Switcher WordPress Translation plugin

The Multisite Language Switcher plugin enhances WordPress multisite installations with the ability to support multiple languages. This tool is perfect for creating a network of sites, each in a different language, ensuring content is tailored to the cultural nuances of each audience. With the ability to manage translations for a wide variety of content types – including posts, pages, and custom taxonomies – this plugin streamlines the process of creating a fully localized web presence.

Designed with multisite networks in mind, this plugin is ideal for developers and site administrators looking to provide a localized experience across different regions. While it introduces a comprehensive solution right out of the box, it’s important to note that managing each language version separately can be a meticulous task, requiring a thoughtful approach to site structure and navigation.

Pricing: free version.

Benefits of Using Multilingual Translation Plugins

Embracing a multilingual translation plugin for your WordPress site brings numerous advantages, essential for businesses aiming to make their mark on a global scale. Firstly, it significantly broadens your audience reach by making your content accessible in various languages, meeting the linguistic preferences of users worldwide. This not only expands your market but also demonstrates a customer-centric approach, appreciating and acknowledging the diversity of your audience.

Moreover, having a multilingual site boosts your SEO efforts. Search engines value content that caters to a wider audience, which includes content available in multiple languages. By optimizing your site for different regions and languages, you enhance your visibility on platforms like Google and Bing, driving more international traffic to your site.

Choosing the right plugin can be pivotal, with options ranging from free solutions for small to medium-sized websites looking to extend their reach without significant investment, to premium plugins that offer advanced features for comprehensive translation needs. Plugins like WPML and Weglot provide both automatic and manual translation workflows, integrating with machine translation services for initial translations and offering options for refinement through professional services or direct editing. This flexibility allows website owners to balance cost-effectiveness with translation quality and user-friendliness​​​​​​.


Adding a multilingual translation plugin to your WordPress site is a savvy strategy for broadening your reach and engaging with audiences worldwide. These plugins are crafted with unique functionalities to cater to various website requirements, making sure there’s an option for everyone.

Diving into the world of multilingual sites is a wise investment for any business, aiming to localize content, improve search engine rankings, and distinguish your site from competitors. With a plethora of translation plugins available—both free and premium—selecting the right one can feel overwhelming. For those navigating this choice, consider:

  • Polylang as a top free option, celebrated for its simplicity and ease of use, perfect for straightforward translation tasks.
  • TranslatePress stands out in the premium category, offering a comprehensive suite of features for a more polished and optimized multilingual site, blending automated and manual translation capabilities seamlessly.

Ultimately, the best translation plugin for your WordPress site hinges on specific needs and financial plans. Whether prioritizing SEO enhancements or extensive language support, there’s a plugin ready to transform your website into a multilingual hub, simplifying global communication and maximizing your site’s accessibility.


Q: What factors should I consider when choosing a multilingual plugin?
A: When choosing a multilingual plugin, it’s important to select one that offers an intuitive translation interface, making the translation process straightforward whether it’s done on the backend, frontend, or via a cloud interface. Ensure the plugin you choose is regularly updated to prevent your site from appearing outdated and to maintain professional standards. Compatibility with your current WordPress theme and other plugins is crucial for seamless integration and operation.

Q: How do I manage SEO for multilingual sites?
A: Managing SEO for multilingual sites involves focusing on high-quality translations and localized content to engage users and improve search rankings. Utilize plugins that support SEO best practices, such as translating meta descriptions, URLs to ensure your content is discoverable in local search results.

Q: Can I switch between translation plugins if needed?
A: Yes, switching between translation plugins is possible. However, the process may necessitate manual adjustments or data migration, depending on how each plugin stores its translations. Opt for plugins that do not lock in your data, as this will facilitate easier transitions should you decide to switch to a different plugin in the future.

Q: Is it possible to manually edit automatic translations?
A: Indeed, it is possible to manually edit automatic translations. Many translation plugins, including some of the most popular ones, offer visual editing tools that enable you to make adjustments directly within the context of your site’s layout. This ensures that the translations are accurate and fit well with your content’s design and style, providing a seamless user experience.

Q: How do translation plugins affect website performance?
A: Translation plugins can impact website performance, but the extent of this impact varies depending on the plugin’s operational method (e.g., cloud-based versus on-site processing) and its optimization for performance. It’s crucial to choose a plugin that offers a good balance between functionality and performance efficiency, ideally one that minimizes its load on your site to ensure fast loading times and a smooth user experience.